Thursday, May 5, 2011

Lots of Updates!

Here are some updates for what I'm doing in the near future. I'm pre-ordering TransTech Cheetor within the next week and won't have any money for a while. With that said, I won't be able to get anything to give away for a while. So, I will do a giveaway when I get to 2000 views.

Here are some updates on the reviews that I'll be doing. First, I will be doing a review of Universe Blackarachnia first and then Beast Wars 2 Lio Convoy. Second, if more of you guys vote on my polls I could a review every week, but at the most I had four votes in three weeks. With that said, if I don't have very many votes after one week I will choose a figure myself and will post it on a Saturday.

I just want to thank everyone who has visited my site more than once, and who have voted on my polls. I will start posting more because the last two weeks I've been missing a lot of school due to jazz concerts. Once again, thank you.

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