Monday, February 28, 2011

Transformers G1 Optimus Prime Toy Review

This is my first review, and I dan't have a very good camera.  At that, I don't even have a video camera.  So I will just have pictures in this review.  When I get a video camera I will make videos for all of my posted reviews. 
 This is Optimus Prime in his semi-truck mode.
As you can see he is a flat-nose cab.
 This is just the trailer itself with its iconic autobot symbol on it.
 This is just an image of the trailer's inside, with Roller.
 This is the trailer opened up into base mode.
 The base's content is a repair/firing station.
The station has three pivet joints
one at the base, one in the middle, and one below the station itself.
It also has a swivel joint right above the pivet allowing it to turn.
 The repair station also has an opening hatch for his pre-transformers, diaclone driver.
 The trailer also includes a docking/fuel station for Roller.
 This is Roller by himself.
He is a blue, scout car for Optimus, and has six wheels.
 This image shows the option of attaching Optimus's gun onto Roller.
 This image shows where the hands for Optimus are stored in vehicle mode.
The window section that is flipped down is made of metal.
 This image show the cab/main body from the side.
All six wheels are rubber and functional for rolling.
 This is just an image of the hands.
 This shows the robot in mid-transformation.
His legs have just been lowered, and the feet flipped into place.
His feet are made of metal.
 This shows the body in mid-transformation also.
His shoulders have been flipped out, and the forearms roted into place.
 This shows the body fully transformed.
His head has been flipped out, and his hands attached.
His arms can rotate for 360 degrees, and his forearms too.
His elbow bends, and his fits can rotate.
Optimus's legs can't move forward, or backward.
His knees, however, can bend.
 You can fit Prime's rifle into either hand.
 This image shows Optimus Prime, his trailer/base, and Roller together.
 This is a comparison image between G1 and War for Cybertron Optimus Prime.
Optimus is a little bit bigger than your average deluxe.
This is just an image of how Optimus fits in with the rest of the Primes in my collection.
He fits in very well, and is not the smallest.

I forgot to get an image, but Prime's rifle can be stored in the trailer in vehicle mode.

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